Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just say NO to Leggings

I opened my gmail account to find a bolded advertisement from Spiegel for their hot sale on Leggings! I'm still having a hard time believing they are coming back in to our fashion consciousness and now they're on sale?? I'll admit I tried the cute little legging with an oversized shirt back in the 80's (where they still belong in my opinion). Problem was my "cute little leggings" ended up looking like to overstuffed sausage casings with little elastic frizz (from the spandex actually breaking) all over. And the only thing oversized about the shirt was the person who was wearing it!

There are so few people on this earth who can pull this look off, even the rail thin models in Spiegel have enough sense to leave the look to the pages of their catalog and not take it to the streets. I believe salespeople have not only the right, but the obligation to stop women from making this irreversible fashion mistake (once you've been seen in leggings that image is forever burned in to the memories of those who witnessed). There should be a mandatory 360 review by a panel of no less than 3 people--can't be friends or family--to assess the possible damage one could do to ones' image by sporting such a catastrophic look. If so much as one dimple of cellulite swallows the legging fabric, run do not walk, back to your dressing room and put back on the baggy sweatpants you came in wearing!